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The No-Rank Zendo Podcast

Oct 30, 2017

Rinzan Pechovnik Osho Gave this Dharma Talk exploring Case 26 off the Blue Cliff Record on 09/28/2017, Day 6 of Autumn Sesshin at Dai Bai Zen Cho Bo Zen Ji. In it, he shares in the sesshin experience of sitting with, facing and breaking through barriers. When we move beyond the fundamental barrier of ego separation,...

Oct 16, 2017

Dharma talk given on September 24th, 2017, Day 2 of Chobo-Ji Autumn Sesshin. Rinzan Pechovnik Osho investigates the personal exploration for meaning in life and how it is revealed, meaningFULLy, in the awakened present moment.

Oct 3, 2017

In this talk, given on September 16th, 2017, Rinzan Pechovnik Osho explores Case #18 of the Hekigonroku, Blue Cliff Record. In Zen practice, we gain freedom from fear by facing the inevitability of death, seeing through it, and embracing "the seamless pagoda."