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The No-Rank Zendo Podcast

Jul 23, 2020

In this Teisho, given on July, 12 2020, Rinzan Pechovnik Osho examines "The Rinzai Roku, Cross Examinatioins Case 19." A monk asks Rinzai, "What is the true face of compassion?" Master Rinzai engages the monk in a dance dissolving barriers of host and guest and of all artifact of rank. In this intimate moment, who gives...

Jul 7, 2020

In this Teisho, given on June, 27 2020, Rinzan Pechovnik Osho gives Teisho from "Cloud Zendo," the virtual zendo used since the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19). What is it that when being roughed up by life's circumstances, we become primed to pop out of our relative mind and into a more intimate connection with...