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The No-Rank Zendo Podcast

Feb 28, 2022

Rinzan Osho gave the following Teisho on January 10th, 2022, on day 3 of No-Rank Zendo's Rohatsu Sesshin examining Case 75 of the Hekiganroku: "Ukyu's Unfair Blows." The relationship between host and guest exists everywhere. While the teacher is the "host" to a "student," we are all guests on this earth. What is the...

Feb 20, 2022

Rinzan Osho gave the following Teisho on January 9th, 2022, on day 2 of No-Rank Zendo's Rohatsu Sesshin excamining Case 74 of the Hekiganroku: "Kingyu Oshoi and the Rice Pail." How do we cultivate self-mastery and inner peace? How do we enter the subtle and mysterious field where a sense of separated self falls away?

Feb 7, 2022

Rinzan Osho gave the following Teisho on January 8th, 2022, commemorating the opening day of No-Rank Zendo's Rohatsu Sesshin and, as is our tradition, opening sesshin with Case 1 from the Mumonkan: "Joshu's Mu." We all long for something: to be more intimate, to be more connected, to be more complete. Through the...