Mar 30, 2022
Genjo Roshi gave the following Teisho on March 12th, 2022, during No-Rank Zendo's Zazenkai: Case 35 from the Mumonkan, "Senjo and Her Soul Are Separated." We are a multiplicity, will the real you please stand up?
Mar 30, 2022
Rinzan Osho gave the following Teisho on January 14th, 2022, closing day of No-Rank Zendo's Rohatsu Sesshin examining Case 19 of the Mumonkan: "Orindary Mind is Tao." We do the hard work of spiritual practice to find the mystery lies in all things already surrounding us and our very natural, caring attention to them.
Mar 25, 2022
Rinzan Osho gave the following Teisho on January 13th, 2022, on day 6 of No-Rank Zendo's Rohatsu Sesshin examining Case 77 of the Hekiganroku: "Ummon's 'A Sesame Bun.'" We long for more complete intimacy with our lives. When the membrane that separates us falls away, we are complete and unseparated.
Mar 25, 2022
Rinzan Osho gave the following Teisho on January 12th, 2022, on day 5 of No-Rank Zendo's Rohatsu Sesshin examining Case 76 of the Hekiganroku: "Tanka's 'Have You Had Your Dinner?'" We work at removing the ego membrane that compels a sense of separateness from the world. Practice brings us closer into intimacy with the...
Mar 9, 2022
Rinzan Osho gave the following Teisho on January 11th, 2022, on day 4 of No-Rank Zendo's Rohatsu Sesshin examining The Hidden Lamp: "Zhaozhou and the Old Woman’s Obstacle." We want to move past hardships, but it is our very hardships that open us up to the wonder of all things and our heart of caring for...